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Not able to import files - Thru Java Applet

vijaysahivijaysahi Members
edited November -1 in Sahi - Open Source

In one of the pages in my application, there is a java applet for file selector. The applet has a text area which displays the selected files and three buttons - Add files, Add folders and Remove. On clicking the Add files button application will bring up a applet file chooser which is similar to windows file chooser.

While using the recorder if i scroll the mouse over the "Add Files" button i am seeing following line in the accessor field of the recorder window

If i call _click(top.view.workarea.content.frames[0].document.getElementsByTagName('div')[5]);
in my script, the "Add files" button is getting clicked and my script runs with "SUCCESS" as the status. But, the file chooser is not coming up - though after giving wait statement.

If i call _click(_button("Add Files")); in my script, the "Add files" button is NOT getting clicked and my script runs with "FAILURE" as the status.

The help I am looking for is:

1. How do i bring up the applet "File chooser" after clicking the "Add files" button
2. How do i import a file via applet file chooser


1. I went thru the API documents and found _setFile API. Since i don't find <input type="file" tag in my application page HTML code i don't know how to use it. I think since the file chooser component in my application is handled as an applet i don't find this file input in the html page

2. In the same page where i have to select file, i have a button "Next" to go to the next page. This is not part of the applet.

3. I am pasting the key applet param tags
<param name=\"RSLT_KEY\" value=\"CustomImportContainer_fileselector_0\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_CANCEL_BUTTON\" value=\"Cancel\">\n<param name=\"MSG_PNL_ADD_FILES_BUTTON\" value=\"Add Files\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FOLDERS_TITLE\" value=\"Select Folders\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FILE_TYPE_LBL\" value=\"File types:\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FILES_TITLE\" value=\"Select Files\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FILE_NAME_LBL\" value=\"File name:\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FOLDER_TITLE\" value=\"Select Folder\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FILE_TITLE\" value=\"Select File\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_LOOK_IN_LBL\" value=\"Look In:\">\n<param name=\"MSG_PNL_REMOVE_FILES_BUTTON\" value=\"Remove\">\n<param name=\"MSG_FOLDER_SELECTION_ERROR\" value=\"Folder not found. Please, verify the folder name and try again.\">\n<param name=\"MSG_FILE_SELECTION_ERROR\" value=\"File not found. Please, verify the file name and try again.\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_FOLDER_NAME_LBL\" value=\"Folder name:\">\n<param name=\"MSG_PNL_ADD_FOLDERS_BUTTON\" value=\"Add Folders\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_SET_BUTTON\" value=\"Set\">\n<param name=\"MSG_DLG_OK_BUTTON\" value=\"OK\">


  • narayannarayan Administrators

    Sahi does not support applets currently. If this is an urgent issue, send me an email and we can work out how to automate this.

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