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sahi - Browser unresponsive exception on Firefox

jayqa0jayqa0 Members
edited June 2022 in Sahi - Open Source

During test execution we do see all tests fail during sahi brower start up of FireFox browser, what could be the problem here?

[exec] Jun 23, 2022 12:55:13 PM net.sf.sahi.ssl.SSLHelper getKeyManagerFactoryForRemoteFetch
[exec] INFO: No SSL Client Cert specified
[exec] Jun 23, 2022 12:55:13 PM net.sf.sahi.test.ProcessHelper execute
[exec] INFO: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -profile "./sahi/userdata/browser/ff/profiles/sahi0" -no-remote ""
[exec] Keytool command found at: keytool
[exec] Jun 23, 2022 12:55:17 PM net.sf.sahi.test.ProcessHelper$PIDGatherer run
[exec] INFO: PIDs: [4248]; 3404 ms
[exec] POwner Name: google
[exec] P P P P PINFO: Logging into
[exec] F P P F
[exec] Failed Step: LoginToOPX - setup
[exec] Specification: specs\Landing Page - My Home - Person Activity.spec:13
[exec] Error Message: net.sf.sahi.client.BrowserUnresponsiveException : did not complete in 150 seconds.
[exec] Stacktrace:
[exec] net.sf.sahi.client.Browser.executeStep(


  • rohanrohan Members

    As per there are multiple fixes for new Firefox updates. These fixes may not be in the Sahi OS. So try with Sahi Pro v970 and share your findings here

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  • jayqa0jayqa0 Members

    We updated ca certificates and also cert8.db and key3 file under FF profile template but still seeing timeout exceptions.

    I see also some additional SSL exception whenever I try to load URL's manually in FF browser.

    INFO: PIDs: [3324]; 5540 ms Remote host closed connection during handshake

  • Hi,

    Can you please let us know the Sahi Pro version that you are using?

    We have fixed the FF issues on the latest version V9.7.0 as mentioned by Rohan.

    Please reach out to support at if you still face any issues.

  • jayqa0jayqa0 Members

    We are using free version of open source Sahi v.5.0

  • TejaswaniTejaswani Members, Moderators
    edited June 2023

    Please reach out to support at if your issue is not resolved, so that we can help you better. Thank You

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